Another year has come and gone, this year I hope will bring everyone health and happiness! We have been on the boat for a year now and we have not killed each other, we are still married and we are still happy. With all we have faced on this sailing trip I think sailing makes you closer!
Oh, I"m not saying we have not had our little mix-ups, me being the first mate and all, I tend not to understand Pierre's techno thinking, he thinks a lot different that me.
He can be at the helm as we sail along and he is thinking about the sails, their position, their shape, how can they be tweeked, their overall mood and language, he understands. He is also thinking about the speed of the boat, the current verses the wind, speed, direction, the ripples on the water, the clouds, the clouds forming on the horizon, how they are going to effect the boat. And so on!
Now this is me:
I squint at the water and remember I forgot to put in my eyes, so my sight is limited, I point the boat in the direction Furuno tells me to and turn on Otto, our auto pilot, find a spot in the sun to keep warm and start reading a good book. Oh yea, and I check the horizon ever now and then to make sure we do not hit anything!
A lot different huh?
Also when we do something on the boat and I ask a question, Pierre launches into a lecture so in depth on how to do it, that it takes a slew of NASA scientist just to understand what he said, so it goes right over my head!
Here is a example of my inquiry into fixing something!
Pierre: It's simple really Bambi, just think about how easy it is to take apart a engine and put it back together!
Me: (blank stare)
Pierre: you already know how to lift the engine head and how (blah blah blah) the vectors, the oil, the pistons (blah blah) the square root of the engine, the driving force.
Me: drooling, foaming at the mouth
Pierre: (blah blah)now see how easy that is? Quite basic really, right?
Me: in a coma
Some things I will just never get! Ha ha
Anyway, we have been busy fixing the watermaker, we finally got the parts we need from S.A.L.T.
But when Pierre went to change everything, he found we need a small little plastic elbow and low and behold we have spent two days looking for this little part and no luck, so with the holiday fast approaching we are looking at not getting till after Christmas! We are going to (gasp) have to order it!
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