
I never follow directions or instructions..I love the sun on my face and I am a fan of all things..

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

All about Boats

I feel incredibly honored and flattered when people tell me they read and like my blog (thank you) because my blog is my story and you're getting the best of it, because I want to everyone to have as much fun reading this as I have had writing it.  I collect and tell stories, can't you tell? I am constantly watching the world around me because there is always an interesting story to tell if you just pay close attention to the goings on about you and it does not matter where you are, but being in a boatyard.....oh..oh..oh the stories.... did you know that the perfect boat doesn't exist...huh...and that all boats are trade-offs, if you want to cram your boat with cool stuff, you won't win any races, if you really hate bright work, you'd better not have a boat with a lot of teak and stainless or you will be working on it daily!  A bigger boat will give you more living and storage space, but will be more expensive to maintain....the tradeoffs are endless. When you ask, most people claim their boat is the BEST boat, (like mine!) at least as far as they're personally concerned, this is not too surprising when you think about it, people put a good deal of love, research and themselves into building (or buying) their perfect boat, they have thought about what things are important to them and even if it turns out that they've overlooked a few things or they have made some mistakes in the decision making process, few boaters would care to admit that they've invested in a floating nightmare. They'll bravely defend their choice of vessel!!, us boat owners are generally in love with our boats. Sure, you hear boat owners occasionally complain about the expense and hassle of maintaining and operating their boats, (did I say occasionally?)... but ALL us boaters love talking and telling stories about our boats!
We actually are on top of things here in the boatyard because both of us are very well researched in boats and therefore semi-prepared, and I mean semi... (because such fun thing come up when your boat is on the hard) and we possess, for the most part, a go-with-the-flow attitudes so that when things that aren't expected come up, we deal with them accordingly.

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