
I never follow directions or instructions..I love the sun on my face and I am a fan of all things..

Monday, September 7, 2015

North Bimini

We awoke Tuesday to a hurricane like wind blowing thru the harbor, well...what can I say, it has been nothing if not windy around here. If you plan on coming to Bimini, either the north or the south on a boat, this is what I can tell you..don't! There is no anchorages, no safe harbors and if you go into Alice Town they want a fortune for their run down nasty docks. Kinda like Key West. Of course there are no boats in any of these marinas..too expensive! They have a ton of employees, but no boats. we only saw one other couple!
Anyway we had to leave Nixon Harbor and sail to the north...our anchor started dragging and we could not get it to hold again... We could not get the dink up becomes the harness broke in the high wind and we could not get the engine up..we had to tow the dink .
When we got here we had a few hours of the lee, so we got the dink and the engine up..thank goodness..but of course..the wind switched around and now it is blowing a gale..relentless, but at least the anchor is holding here.
Wednesday...the wind is still gale force. We are still at anchor on the north side of Bimini, if the winds calm down we are going to leave in the morning, cross the Great Bahama Bank and head for Chub Cay, Berry Islands!
Friday! Land ho...Chub Cay, Berry Islands in the distance! We called the marina..but of course it is way to expensive for us to stay there, so we are at anchor near the harbor entrance. I have some WiFi from the marina, that makes me happy! Hopefully we can go to the marina in the morning in the dink and get some much needed supplies! There is a front coming down this evening, we have had six fronts come right after the other, the locals say it is a first they have ever seen, this bad of weather here. It is still cold here!
We dinky in to Chub Cay and found a small laundry and the club itself is old and run down...we had lunch at the club...but there is nothing else is here, some old buildings, but no town, no store, I talked with the young man at the club and all the people that live on the island just work for the club and all of them are from outlaying islands, they can come and go on the one airplane that stops here! Looking for the laundry we met some people on a catamaran, six people on that boat, that is a lot! They are out of St Pete and on the way to Nassau, four of the people they picked up in Miami as crew, they are getting off in Nassau.
 Cell tower

Anchored off the beach
 Chickens outside the police station

Sunset off the Great Bahama Bank
Chub Cay

pink building is laundry

Chub Cay Marina

Coming into Chub Cay, there are a few boats anchored here

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