
I never follow directions or instructions..I love the sun on my face and I am a fan of all things..

Monday, September 7, 2015


We set sail from Cay Sal around noon and sailed all night, we reached Cat Cay the next morning. The sail was wonderful and we only ran into a little rain, but that was nice because it washed some of the salt off the boat. We did see a very interest sight, all along the shallows that line the rum line between the Gulf Stream and the Andros, there are lots of islands, some small, some very large, there are a bunch of them. On the larger ones there was salt mining going on, you can see the cranes and the huge mounds of salt, very neat! this is where my sea salt comes from...Who knew!!
We anchored up behind South Cat Cay at Dollar Harbor and Pierre took (Rinky Dink) the name for the dink, to the marina on North Cay Cay to check in. I can not go ashore till we clear, so I stayed on the boat, I was going to nap, but Pierre had spilled a bunch of orange juice into the refrig. so I spent most of the time cleaning it out. Of course,..after we set the anchor, the wind started to pick up (she knew we were here). And as the day fell into night the wind started to blow and by midnight it was gale force. What the WHAT? This can not be my imagination!  Every where and I mean everywhere we have anchored the wind has howled around us, at least it keeps the wind generators going and we have power!
The next day Pierre and I went to South Cat Cay to check out the Island, it is made up of coral, on one point someone carved stairs into the coral, for one reason or another. Around the other side of the Island is a small beach that we came upon. There are a lot of pine trees and palm trees, most of the beach on both sides of the Island are coral. One thing I was sad to see was the amount of trash on the Island. We walked from one end to the other and saw lots of interesting things in the tide pools formed by the coral!
Rinky Dink on the beach 
Not sure what this is

Small sand dollar

This small sand dollar is in about a foot of water!

Coral beaches

Carved stairway

Huge nest of crawly things

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