
I never follow directions or instructions..I love the sun on my face and I am a fan of all things..

Monday, September 7, 2015

Sprawl Mart

Well...(deep subject) ...I was not impressed with the Walmart in Homestead! The shelfs looked like we are in the middle of some sort of apocalypse, the people acted like it too! What a mad house, and they did not even have my coffee...sigh
We were sandwiched in the back of a work van like human cargo, felt a little like human trafficking, so I did not get to see a lot of the different keys on the way up there, but get what you can!
I did not get any pictures;(...but on the other hand, we did get some stuff I needed:)
We awoke this morning to me looking at the bilge counter and it had gone off 18 times,  now this is very bad.... Made my stomach hurt! When Pierre went down in the bowels (engine room) the water heater had ruptured inside itself, leaking water out of it all night..hence the water in the bilge! Now if you have read my blog for any length of time you remember, when we first moved aboard last December and started really using the boat, the water heater was one of the first things to go. We bought a new one from West Marine and replaced it, three months later that one sprung a leak, we had to replace it in Carrabelle.
Hopefully three times is some sort of charm, because here we are with water heater number three!  Isotemp Slim-Square 16  in case you are wondering! Use caution when buying one of them! The West Marine here will have a new one for us tomorrow.
Happy New Year everyone!
Early morning sun

Full moon over the water

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