
I never follow directions or instructions..I love the sun on my face and I am a fan of all things..

Friday, June 14, 2013

Squirrels in the trees

Pierre and I walked about five miles today, looking for the local doctor, but no luck, we did see a white squirrel in a tree and I got some pictures. I need a better camera! But after we got back to marina, I talked to Kim, she is the local expert here, she told me there is a story about the white squirrels. There was a lady here and she and her son raised white squirrels and sold them as pets, when her son died, she had about 30 of them and she just let them go. Kim has three of them in her back yard. She did help us find the local doctor and loaned us her car to get there, but they do not have a doctor till Monday, so we will go back then...

1 comment:

  1. Easy targets for the birds of prey, surprised many of them have made it to reproduce!
    I did something similar with a fish tank once. It wasn't the best decision I made but I dumped some fish into a retention pond at an apartment complex once - never knew if they made it!
