Bryce Canyon National Park, is a sprawling reserve in southern Utah, it was settled by Mormon pioneers in the 1850s and was named after Ebnerzer Bryce, who homesteaded this area in the area in 1874. The major feature of the park is Bryce Canyon, which despite its name, is not a canyon, but a collection of giant natural amphitheaters. Bryce is distinctive due to geological structures called hoodoos, formed by frost weathering and stream erosion of the river and lake bed sedimentary rocks. The red, orange, and white colors of the rocks provide spectacular views. We hiked The Rim Trail...this 4.5mile trail spans the rim of the amphitheater, and sends you down to the river bed and back up it offers you incredible scenery.
After our sailing adventure on Adagio we have become the driving adventures of the RV Esprit, a 1999 Holiday Rambler with her crew of four...our little Navigator "Navi", is brother Kenai...and of course the humans, Pierre and Bambi Lesne. This blog is written for the eradication of seemingly incurable sadness, so read me, for some smiles!