When we left Front Royal, Pierre and I decided to go to South Carolina, Charleston to be exact...so off we went...that’s the beauty of RVing.. you can just decide to change it up and head anywhere! We stopped in Richmond, North Carolina for about a week to see the area... we stayed in Petersburg, it’s kinda outside of Richmond, because I wanted to go to Norfolk too. (We never made it to Norfolk 😕)...The Petersburg area has quite a history, in that more battles were fought here during the Civil war than anywhere else! At the time of the Civil War Petersburg was the second-largest city in Virginia...after the capital Richmond, and the seventh-largest city in the Confederacy. Now...amid the Civil War Petersburg was key to Union plans to capture the Confederate capital Richmond, because of the railway system! Many of the trenches that they dug can still be seen at the Petersburg National Battlefield
Richmond is teeming with its own history as well, it is the capital of Virginia, and it is among America’s oldest major cities. Patrick Henry, a U.S. Founding Father, famously declared “Give me liberty or give me death” at its St. John's Church in 1775, helping to ignite the Revolutionary War.
It’s a beautiful city with tons of murals painted on the old buildings. Pierre and I spent two days just walking and driving around the city, we took a boat ride downtown, along the James River and that took us thru Tobacco Row!
Tobacco was a major export of Richmond Virginia and there are many tobacco warehouses and cigarette factories along the James River, so it is called Tobacco Row. Beginning in the 18th century, many growers and shippers of Virginia's major cash crop of tobacco maintained facilities there. Substantial multistory brick buildings were constructed to protect the tobacco from loss due to fire.
The area was vacated by the tobacco companies in the late 80’s and it fell into disrepair. This area also flooded a lot, being so close to the James River so in 1995 after the City completed the James River Flood Wall, developers rushed in and snapped up the old buildings, turning them into loft apartments, condo and office space!
We took a day to go to Jamestown Settlement, you can take the ferry to the island..what fun⛴
Jamestown Settlement started off with tons of bad luck...first the settlers arrived in Virginia during a severe drought and this affected the colonist ability to produce food and obtain a safe supply of water, that and with the fact that the settlers arrived too late in the year to get crops planted, so in just a few months, eighty percent of the settlers were dead.
They needed help bad and so England sent some ships to help them, but these ships ran into a hurricane and they were shipwrecked on Bermuda, poor Jamestown seemed doomed! While help was stranded in Bermuda, the colony at Jamestown got in even worse shape, they called this the “Starving Time”.. 1609 thru 1610, the Jamestown settlers faced rampant starvation for want of additional provisions. During this time, lack of food drove people to eat snakes, rats, dogs, horses and even boil the leather from shoes for some sort of sustenance. Only 60 of the original 214 settlers at Jamestown survived. There is scientific evidence that the settlers at Jamestown had turned to cannibalism during the starving time. Ugh!
after the ships arrived with provisions the colonist started to do better, but things with the local Indians started to get worse and worse, now, one of the colonists who arrived with the food and supplies was John Rolfe, and he carried with him a cache of untested new tobacco seeds from Bermuda, which had grown wild there after being planted by shipwrecked Spaniards years before. Rolfe began to grow and harvest tobacco in Jamestown and he became successful and wealthy. Now the relationship between the Indians at this time was still very unsettled and with that he married Pocahontas, she was the daughter of the chief and this brought several years of peace between the English and natives.
Pocahontas, she became the thing of legends! |
"JR" |
"Jane" |
These remains of a cannibalized "Starving Time" victim were recently found. They know little about her other than she was English and about 14 years old. This is a facial reconstruction based on her skull. Along with "JR's" reconstruction we can come face to face with these two people and see what they looked like when they arrived in Jamestown. this was so cool and we had a great time, along with learning alot about Jamestown Settlement!